POLICE CHIEF: Brandon M. Esip
FID Requirements
- MUST be at least 15 years old to apply; however, those under 18 years old MUST present a letter of permission from their parent or guardian and be accompanied by the parent or guardian during the application process;
- MUST have completed a Certified Firearms Safety or Hunters Safety Course and have the certificate with them during the application process;
- MUST be legally qualified;
- MUST provide two references at the time of application;
- MUST complete an application and applicant acknowledgement form.
- Application/Renewal Fee: $100, Under 18: $25, Over 70: FREE
LTC Requirements
- Must be 21 years of age to apply for any license to carry
- MUST have completed a Certified Firearms Safety or Hunters Safety Course and have the certificate with them during the application process;
- MUST be legally qualified;
- MUST provide two references at the time of application;
- MUST complete an application and applicant acknowledgement form.
- Application/Renewal Fee: $100, Over 70: FREE
Please contact Sergeant James Czyrycawith any Firearms related questions.
Legal References
Application Hours
Due to COVID-19, all applications are currently being processed by mail, with follow-up appointments scheduled by the Firearms Licensing Supervisor. Please see the process to the left or call
508-759-4451 with any questions.
Required Forms
LTC/FID: $100 (Over 70 - FREE)
FID (Under 18): $25
Massachusetts requires the issuance of a License To Carry or Firearms Identification Card to purchase or possess most forms of ammunition and firearms. A Firearms Identification Card is required for citizens to purchase and possess propellant spray. Most LTC/FID cards must be renewed every six years and the state/department issuing the license MUST be notified of any address changes during that period.
Application/Renewal Process
All new applications and renewals must be initiated by mailing in the application available here . A check or money order for the appropriate amount made payable to "TOWN OF BOURNE" must accompany the application. You will be contacted to set up a follow-up appointment. IF RENEWING, PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION MORE THAN 30 DAYS PRIOR TO YOUR EXPIRATION. Renewals must have the affidavit completed and signed.
Firearms Licensing and Laws